priyanka-nick After attending OSCAR 2019 Priyanka Chopra actor has come back in New Dehli India Priyanka Tweeted “best travel buddy ever….. hello….. so good be back”. It’s a big news for Priyanka fans that she will be start her schedule for her upcoming Bollywood film The Sky is Pink, recently in a Interview Priyanka admits she will be start shooting for a Bollywood film, after a long time The actress come back for a Bollywood Film. Priyanka promoting her film sky is pink. after a long time priyanka chopra come back in bollywood and she did a great job in his upcoming project, after got married with Nick Jonas priyanka not signing any film she spent time with her husband and take a long break from Indian film industry she don't want to do film until she wants but this time she pares with Farhan Akhtar. The Sky is pink is a real based story, it shows relationship, emotions, drama and depth of life the film is relate to Modern time audience and appreciate the li...
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